Sunday, August 19, 2012

Who Can See Your Computer And Internet Activity? Anyone Who Wants To

The answer to that question is anyone who wants to but there is a solution. If you are interested in stopping monitoring of your internet and computer use keep reading.
First let us take a look at the problem.
Have you ever stopped to think about when you are browsing websites online or downloading something from a torrent who can see what you are doing? Maybe your doing a Google search about a certain illness you have and you would rather that remain private. Maybe you just value your privacy and do not like others monitoring what you are doing online. It would be like someone walking around with a tape recorder taping every single word you ever say. Well I am here to tell you that EVERYTHING you do online is in fact recorded and logged. Your internet service provider can see everything you are doing. Every Google search you do every website you visit and every torrent you download is logged and is personally identifiable as coming from you. If you use torrents you can see if there is any well known activity of you downloading files. You can check that out here: another site that can tell you what torrents you have been downloading is here: These are just small examples that show how open you are to your activity being logged online.

If you take things another step further and think about your computer itself. What if your computer was stolen or someone had access to it that you didn't want to have access to it. Sure maybe you delete your internet browsing history on your computer or delete other files that contain sensitive information you don't want others to have. The problem is just because you delete a file and empty it from the recycling bin does not mean it is gone for food. These files can be easily recovered with free programs that can easily be downloaded.

These problems are serious if you value your privacy but there is a solution!

The Solution
The solution to achieving privacy online is not easy but at On The Spot Computer Services we will sit this up for you if you are interested. If you are interested in protecting your privacy online but it sounds to overwhelming for you to setup please contact us and we can do it for you!
When we are done setting you up your privacy will be protected in the following ways:
  • Your internet search history and web browsing will remain private and will not be personally identifiable to you. 
  • Your internet service provider will not be able to see what your activity is online therefore they can not log your activity.
  • If you use torrents your downloads will remain private and will not be personally identifiable to you.
  • On your local computer your browsing history,download history,or files you want to remain private can not be recovered if deleted. 
  • If forced to give up your password which is the key to your private files you will STILL be protected from the person accessing your private files. (Will explain details on this)
In short the internet and computer activity you want to remain private will remain private. As I said feel free to contact us about further details on this service and pricing. If you plan on trying to set this up yourself here are the tools you will need:
2. Tor


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